Thousands of young women and children have their innocence, their bodies, their spirit, their hope, their families, sometimes even their very lives ripped away from them daily. This horror sounds so heinous that most of us can’t imagine that this could happen here in the United States but this is the reality of what children and young adult sex trafficking victims are experiencing in communities across the United States right now.
Crisis Aid is committed to helping those at-risk or caught in sex trafficking within our communities through the US Safe program.

Call or Text: 314-714-8229 |
24 hour National Human Trafficking
Sexual contact that is forced, coerced, manipulated, or compelled through intimidation IS ABUSE.
Children’s Anti-exploitation Partnership
CAP is a revolutionary new collaborative initiative that focuses on reaching children at risk for sex trafficking or other forms of child sexual abuse. CAP provides advocacy, resources, and support to children and families identified in internet/electronics-related crimes against children and human trafficking investigations. CAP provides tools such as assistance accessing Internet Safety Education (ISE) programs to help parents of children engaged in high-risk sexual activities online, activities that leave them vulnerable to trafficking or other forms of sexual abuse.
How Do Predators Target Children Through Online Gaming Sites?
Child predators can gain access to children through games played on computers, tablets, gaming consoles; handheld gaming devices, and apps on phones, basically any device with internet capability. They use this access to befriend kids of all ages, build rapport and trust they then use the relationship to either coerce, manipulate and in some circumstances even threaten children into engaging in sexually explicit conversation, photos, and videos. In some cases to meet the predator in person and/or engage other children in the abuse. These predators use a myriad of different very effective strategies to build these faux relationships.

Crisis Aid is one of few organizations in the world to have a physical, full-time presence in a police department to support victims of sex trafficking.
“I got trafficked…” a short video from elements of our U.S. Taskforce.